Try-with-resources: Must I throw or catch the close() method's exceptions? [duplicate]

Please correct me if this is wrong: In Java 7's try-with-resources statement, any exceptions thrown by the resource's close() method must be either declared as thrown by my method or I must wrap the whole try in another try which catches any exceptions thrown by close().

If so, I have to wonder if I will make much use of it. I certainly don't want to throw the exceptions thrown by close(), the caller won't know what to do with that. And a try wrapping another try just to handle close() would not look very elegant, to me at least.

EDIT: I think I accidentally asked two questions, one of which was a duplicate.

Question 1. Do I have to declare that my method throws the exception from the close() method or wrap the try-with-resources in another try? (Not answered in proposed duplicate.)

Question 2. Is there a way to close the resource silently? (Clearly a duplicate, so I am taking that sentence out of the question. Hopefully this makes the question satisfactorily unique.)

Solution 1:

Quote from Java Language Specification ($ Extended try-with-resources

A try-with-resources statement with at least one catch clause and/or a finally clause is called an extended try-with-resources statement. The meaning of an extended try-with-resources statement:

    try ResourceSpecification

is given by the following translation to a basic try-with-resources statement (§ nested inside a try-catch or try-finally or try-catch-finally statement:

    try {
        try ResourceSpecification

The effect of the translation is to put the ResourceSpecification "inside" the try statement. This allows a catch clause of an extended try-with-resources statement to catch an exception due to the automatic initialization or closing of any resource.

So, basically, wrapper is already implemented

Solution 2:

From the Java tutorial

A try-with-resources statement can have catch and finally blocks just like an ordinary try statement. In a try-with-resources statement, any catch or finally block is run after the resources declared have been closed.

(emphasis mine)

So you can simply do

try (BufferedReader br =
               new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path))) {
    return br.readLine();
catch (IOException e) {
    // handle the exception that has been thrown by readLine() OR by close().

Solution 3:

You do not need to wrap the try-with-resources in another try-catch block, you simply add a catch block:

class Foo implements AutoCloseable {
    public void close() throws Exception {
        throw new Exception();

public class Try {
    public static void main(final String[] args) {
        try(Foo f = new Foo()) {
            System.out.println("No op!");
        } catch(Exception e) {