Search bookmarks in Google Chrome address bar

I simply want to search through the bookmarks in Google Chrome as I type in the address bar. I don't want to have to type the full URL just to hit a site already stored in my bookmarks.

Google Chrome doesn't seem to catch the bookmark entries and I usually have to type a full URL if I know it.

Is there any way to turn it on to search through the bookmarks or an extension that can do this?

Solution 1:

No bloated extensions necessary. Simply add a new Search engine in Chrome options:

Chrome Settings > Basic > Search > Manage Search Engines > Add

  • Search Engine Name: Chrome Bookmarks
  • Keyword: b
  • URL: chrome://bookmarks/?q=%s

That will allow you to easily search your bookmarks by simply pressing b then a SPACE or TAB.

enter image description here

Solution 2:

This must have been a common feature request, because at least as of Chrome 26, the omnibar does automatically search both bookmarks and search history in addition to the normal integration with Google search. Bookmark matches are marked with a star in the predictive search dropdown.

For what it's worth (not much) see Google's omnibox documentation.