Very strong inequality

Here is a brutal force method and I am not sure it is shorter than op:

it is easy to verify if $abc=0$, the inequality holds.

then suppose $a,b,c$ are sides of a triangle, then we can take the advantage of Thunderstruck's proof.

if $a,b,c$ are not sides of a triangle,WLOG, $a \ge b+c$, now we prove :

LHS $>(a+b-c)\sqrt{ab(a+c)(b+c)}+(a+c-b)\sqrt{ac(a+b)(b+c)}$

we have:

$((a+b-c)^2+(a+c-b)^2)(ab(a+c)(b+c)+ac(a+b)(b+c))=2a(a^2+(b-c)^2)(b+c)(ab+ac+2bc) \ge ((a+b-c)\sqrt{ab(a+c)(b+c)}+(a+c-b)\sqrt{ac(a+b)(b+c)})^2$

$a=b+c+x \implies x\ge0 $
