Finding the minimum value's key in an associative array

Solution 1:

array_keys is your friend:

$pets = array(
    "cats" => 1,
    "dogs" => 2,
    "fish" => 3
array_keys($pets, min($pets));  # array('cats')

P.S.: there is a dup here somewhere on SO (it had max instead of min, but I can distinctly remember it).

Solution 2:

Thats how i did it.

$pets = array(
    "cats" => 1,
    "dogs" => 2,
    "fish" => 3

array_search(min($pets), $pets); 

I hope that helps

Solution 3:

Might try looking into these:

  • natcasesort(array)
  • natsort(array)