How to run a maven created jar file using just the command line

Just use the exec-maven-plugin.


Then you run you program:

mvn exec:java

1st Step: Add this content in pom.xml


2nd Step : Execute this command line by line.

cd /go/to/myApp
mvn clean
mvn compile 
mvn package
java -cp target/myApp-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Use this command.

mvn package

to make the package jar file. Then, run this command.

java -cp target/artifactId-version-SNAPSHOT.jar package.Java-Main-File-Name

after mvn package command. Target folder with classes, test classes, jar file and other resources folder and files will be created.

type your own artifactId, version and package and java main file.

I am not sure in your case. But as I know to run any jar file from cmd we can use following command:

Go up to the directory where your jar file is saved:

java -jar <jarfilename>.jar

But you can check following links. I hope it'll help you:

Run Netbeans maven project from command-line?