Prove that: $2^a+3^b<3a+4b$

Let be $a, b$ in $(0,1)$ such that $a+b>1$. I need to prove that:


I'm looking for an elementary proof that doesn't resort to the calculus tools.

From the graph of the function $f(x)=2^x$ we see that on interval $(0,1)$ it is bellow the line $y=x+1$ joining the points $(0,f(0))=(0,1)$ and $(1,f(1))=(1,2)$. Thus we have $$2^a<1+a$$ for $a\in(0,1)$.

Using similar argument for $3^x$ we get $$3^b<1+2b$$ for $b\in(0,1)$.

Adding the two inequalities together and using $1<a+b$ we obtain $$2^a+3^b<2+a+2b<2(a+b)+a+2b=3a+4b.$$

Using Bernoulli's Inequality, $2^a \leq 1 + a$ and $3^b \leq 1 + 2b$. Therefore, $$2^a + 3^b \leq 2 + a + 2b < 2(a + b) + a + 2b = 3a + 4b$$