What app to use for high res webcam photo capture?

Photo Booth does 640x480. I know the HD webcam on the 2011 MacBook Pros can do better than that. What app can I use for taking full resolution stills?

Kinda roundabout, but you could try this:

  1. Open Quicktime.
  2. Choose File -> New Movie Recording.
  3. On the little down arrow to the right of the record button, choose maximum quality. Also drag the record button holder to least obtrusive location.
  4. Command-3 to fit to screen.
  5. Take screen shots with command-shift-(3 or 4).

Photo Booth in Lion does 1080x720 captures in JPEG when the hardware supports it.

Try the free Skitch (also available from the Mac App Store). One of the many things it can do is a Cam Snapshot. To take one, invoke Skitch, then choose Capture > Cam Snapshot. You may need to fiddle a bit with the size of the snapshot to get full resolution.

This worked to the max resolution of the iSight on my older MacBook Pro; it's worth a try on the current models with their FaceTime HD cameras.