Aren’t there English equivalents to Japanese word, Senpai (先輩) meaning a senior in school, career, or age?

In Japan, we call a person who is a senior in school, office, and social activity even a-year-ahead arriver “Senpai.” We address quite casually and lightly to a senior who entered school and office even a year ahead “Senpai!” in school, office, club and even on street.

The opposite of Senpai is ‘Kohai (後輩)’ literally meaning ‘late-coming (born) guy,’ but it is rare that the Senpai calls junior(s) ‘Kohai’ to his/her/their face(s). When we call somebody 'Senpai,' we don’t need to prefix Mr. / Ms, or even add the surname.

Though 'Senpai' can serve as a mentor to juniors and freshmen(women) in school, on sports, on profession in many cases, the nuance of the word would be just "Hey, my elder peer!" I understand Chinese have the same word / characters (先輩) besides "xiansheng (先生)" = Mr., literally meaning 'earlier-born'.

As I looked for the English counterpart of this word in Kenkyusha’s Readers Japanese -English Dictionary, it provided the following explanation:

Senpai – One’s senior. There is no English counterpart to this word because the relationship between senior and junior is not regarded as so important in English speaking countries. It would be more natural to say “He entered the company (university) five years before me,” if you wish to say “He is my Senpai.” in English.

However, this explanation doesn’t address how with what to call / address to Senpai as a courtesy title or addressing word in school, office, and business, social, cultural circles.

Is it true that there is no equivalent or alternative to “Senpai” as addressing word in English? If there are, how do you call?

Solution 1:

Generally, English does not have an equivalent term to Senpai, although since the Michael Crichton book Rising Sun, and its film adaptation, it is an increasingly understood term.

We do not formally acknowledge the same sort of relationship. (As your dictionary suggests, we would just highlight that they joined the company a few years ahead . . .)

So, the short answer to this question is: No, there is no equivalent to the word in English.

There are situations, however, where you may need to address a superior.

In English, if someone is your superior it is always polite to call them Sir or Ma'am, although this may be extremely formal for most situations (especially if you are not in the military). It would generally be reserved for situations where there is a major disparity in level. (A conversation between an employee and the CEO in the mail room, for example.)

Otherwise, to show respect for someone in a senior position to yourself, you would refer to them as Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss, or Dr. followed by their last name.

The superior may choose to either refer to you in the same manner, or, to call you by your first name.

Another situation which may arise is when someone has a title already:

For example: If John Smith holds the title of General in the army, you can always address him as General Smith, General, or even Sir.

The same holds for members of the clergy. You can call them Father, Reverend, Rabbi, or whatever their title commands. The clergy often allow you to use their title with their first name (e.g. Father John), but it is also correct to use their last name with their title.

Solution 2:

There is no exact equivalent in English. However, when I refer to someone who I consider to be senior to me in experience even though they are not necessarily senior in position I will often use the term "mentor" or "guide." So for example: "Jan was a real mentor to me when I first started working at Taco Bell, she showed me the ropes and really helped me get my footing in the kitchen." Even though Jan is also a Taco Bell chef and one of probably equal pay grade her experience and seniority is shown through the act of mentorship.

Solution 3:

As David M has already answered, there's no direct equivalent. In English, we tend to use titles and choice of which name to use to express the kind of relationships that the Japanese express with -san, -chan, -sensei, and so on. English has five forms of address:-

  1. Title with family name, e.g. Mr Hulme
  2. Family name alone, e.g. Hulme
  3. Full name, e.g. Dan Hulme
  4. Given name alone, e.g. Dan
  5. A title that doesn't use a name, e.g. sir, boss, guv

Traditionally in British English, in a workplace setting, I would call my boss Mr Smith, but he would just call me Hulme. I'd call colleagues at the same level as me by their last name alone, regardless of whether they'd been in the company longer, or if they're older or younger. Only how important they are in the company matters: are they my boss, or my boss's boss, &c.

I might call my friends by their family name alone, and only close friends or family members by their given name alone.

Similarly, in a school, a pupil would call teachers "sir" or "Mr Smith", and the teacher would call pupils by their family name alone. Pupils of all ages would call each other by their family name alone: again, age difference doesn't matter for this.

However, things have changed a lot in the last 50 years or so. As well as the US influence on the language worldwide (the States not having a feudal past like Britain and Japan), and increasing egalitarianism across Europe, given names are used a lot more widely today in Britain, along with other English-speaking countries.

Nowadays, at the office, everyone will probably introduce themselves using given names, or even nicknames. Even very senior managers are often addressed with given name alone. In a social context, people will always use given name alone, even with someone they've just met. In a school, "sir" is very much out of fashion: pupils call teachers "Mr Smith", and pupils are usually called by their given name, regardless of who by.

That said, this is something that's still changing, so there's variation between places. Some workplaces still go for "Mr Smith", and some schools still insist on "sir". You might even hear the odd "guv", and there are still professions with formal titles.

To sum up:-

In today's use, anyone you would call -chan, -kun, or -senpai, you should address by their given name. Anyone you know well enough to call by family name alone in Japanese, you should probably use given name for them too. This applies whether you're talking about them to someone else, addressing them directly, or calling at them in the street.

Solution 4:

While it is not a form of address, and you'd never use it to refer to someone directly, in an educational context, in the United States, the correct term for a student at a school who has been there for longer than you would generally be upperclassman. This is mainly used in high school and undergraduate college contexts, where the term usually generically refers to 3rd and 4th year students. Again, you would never use this to address somebody (I.e. "Hi Upperclassman Joe!"), but it may be used to say, for example that "upperclassmen are expected to attend at least one day of freshman orientation, to act as mentors" or whatever.

Solution 5:

When I lived in a French-speaking country, I asked an older, respected Brit to preside over a meeting. He agreed to preside, and wistfully acknowledged that he was the doyen.


a : the senior member of a body or group b : a person considered to be knowledgeable or uniquely skilled as a result of long experience in some field of endeavor 2 : the oldest example of a category

There is a female equivalent, doyenne.

One would probably not refer to every Senpai as a doyen, but only the oldest and most respected. But I do think that it conveys the sense of wisdom and honor that accompany someone older than you.

There is a political connotation to elder statesman:

  1. an influential citizen, often a retired high official, whose advice is sought by government leaders.

  2. any influential member of a company, group, etc., whose advice is respected.

  3. Japanese History. any of the political leaders who retired from official office but continued to exert a strong influence in the government and who controlled the emperor's privy council, especially in the period 1898–1914.

The third definition, with its Japanese influence, is more at Insei than Senpai.