Khaaaaaaaan! (how to kill him)

How am I supposed to kill the orc chief Khan? He is faster than me, just grabs me and pummels me to death. I don't have enough time to really hurt him before he is able to grab me.

My fight with him looks something like this:

screenshot with lots of blood flying around

Any ideas on how to survive this boss fight?

Solution 1:

Bubble immediately to buy yourself some time. Then you can use Time Warp and Haste to slow him down/speed yourself up enough to prepare a devastating attack and hope for a one shot.

Blizzard Balls (1Earth+4Ice) are particularly effective.

Solution 2:

Use a charged-up water attack to knock him away from you, then hit him with a cold + lightning + arcane beam. It will freeze him solid and do massive damage.

Solution 3:

I tried like 50 times, finally I killed him with a Water area spell and then a lightning+arcane+cold beam.