How to win as plants in Vs. mode (Quick Play)?

The Xbox Live Arcade, Playstation Network, and DS versions of Plants vs. Zombies have a Vs. mode where each player plays either Plants or Zombies. I'm having a lot of problems when taking the role of the Plants - after the Zombies got a few basic concepts down, the Plants seem to never be able to win. Are there strategies that the Plants can effectively use to win this mode?

Update: In Quick Play mode, gamers cannot customize their seed selections. Plants get Sunflowers, Peashooters, Wallnuts, Potato Mines, Jalapeños, and Squash. The Zombies get Graves, Zombies, Conehead Zobmies, Football Zombies, Garbage Can Zombies, and Wave of Zombies.

Please refer

This is an excerpt of the Strategy section


It's much like any other normal game, except you must keep in mind that your opponent can see what you are doing, what plants you have, and where you are about to place a plant. Cherry Bombs and Jalepenos are useful as always, and with the Coffee Bean costing only 25 Sun now, the Doom-shroom is much more useful in this mode. The only problem is that because of the six lane limit, using one is an even bigger drawback and should still be only used when absolutely needed. You also have 3 less squares to build on, and should keep that in mind. Just remember to not just focus on defending yourself, but to also try and kill the Target Zombies, and you should be fine. Also, remember that Lobbed-shot Plants (Cabbage-pult, Kernel-pult, Melon-pult) shoot over shields and attack the Zombie directly.