download webpage and dependencies, including css images [closed]

Often I need to download a webpage and then edit it offline. I have tried a few tools and the main feature they lack is downloading images referenced in the CSS files.

Is there a tool (for Linux) that will download everything so that the webpage will render the same offline (excluding AJAX)?

Solution 1:

wget --page-requisites

This option causes Wget to download all the files that are necessary to properly display a given html page. This includes such things as inlined images, sounds, and referenced stylesheets.

EDIT: meder is right: stock wget does not parse and download css images. There is, however, a patch that adds this feature: [1, 2]

UPDATE: The patch mentioned above has been merged into wget 1.12, released 22-Sep-2009:

** Added support for CSS. This includes:
 - Parsing links from CSS files, and from CSS content found in HTML
   style tags and attributes.
 - Supporting conversion of links found within CSS content, when
   --convert-links is specified.
 - Ensuring that CSS files end in the ".css" filename extension,
   when --convert-links is specified.

Solution 2:

It's possible to do this through Firefox, see this form

  1. Right click
  2. View page info
  3. Select media tab
  4. Highlight all files
  5. Save as

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