Vim: create marks across files?

A feature I often use in Vim is mark and jump-to-mark (')… But they only work within a file.

Is there any way to create a mark which works across files? For example, so I can create mark a on line 42 of, then jump to that mark while I'm editing

Yes. Use capital letters for the mark.

Marks can span across files. To use such marks one has to use upper-case registers i.e. A-Z. Lower-case registers are used only within files and do not span files. That's to say, if you were to set a mark in a file foo.c in register "a" and then move to another file and hit 'a, the cursor will not jump back to the previous location. If you want a mark which will take you to a different file then you will need to use an upper-case register. For example, use mA instead of ma.

Use the A-Z marks, they are available across files.