Meaning of "brave my fire"

As in these Rome - To Die Among Strangers lyrics:

the whores of rome and the kings of france

have tried to brave my fire

now the snakes curl up, the curtains part

will you try to brave my fire?


keep your treason brittle as glass

you could have been the first

could have been the last to brave my fire

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I checked all the different meanings of brave in, but this sentence still hardly makes any sense to me... I can only guess. Thanks in advance!

Solution 1:

Fire is being used as a metaphor for wrath or anger I think.

Brave my fire in this context means tempt my anger.

To put it in more colloquial terms he's saying "Come on if you think you are hard enough" do you dare to face my wrath.

I guess it could also mean passion so intense that it will burn you.

It's all poetic imagery really.

If you think about it one has to be pretty brave to stick their hand (for example) in an open flame, the flame here however is not an actual flame but it represents something else, probably some form of retribution.

Solution 2:

I would interpret "fire" here in the sense of projectiles and "brave" in meaning 7 from "to meet or face courageously". A soldier who charges at an enemy who is shooting at him is braving the enemy's fire.