Unable to resolve target 'android-XX'

  1. Right click on your project.
  2. Go to Properties.
  3. Choose Android on the left side.
  4. On the right, you can see a list of Android API versions. Choose the proper version (Android API 15).
  5. Click Apply.

If you don't see the proper version, click on the Window menu, go to Android SDK Manager and download Android API 15 (Android 4.0.3). Repeat the steps above.

In the picture below, you can see API 16; not 15. You can download API 15 using Android SDK Manager. If you already have it, click the check box next to Android 4.0.3, click Apply and then OK.

enter image description here

To download an SDK from the SDK manager in Eclipse, click on the Window menu, Android SDK Manager. You should see the following window. Check Android 4.0.3 which is API 15, and click Install.

enter image description here