Offline bots (alone against bots)

I don't know how to change the number of bots in play. I'd like to know how to change team settings to adjust a one versus three or one versus five. Can anyone help?

You can disable the teambalance using these commands in the console(after creating the game):

mp_limitteams 0
mp_autoteambalance 0

Then you can use bot_add_ct or bot_add_t to add bot to the according teams.

To remove bot,use bot_kick name

To get these work, I made two config files myself, 'bott' and 'botct'.
They go like this:

mp_limitteams 0
mp_autoteambalance 0
bot_join_team t
bot_quota 5
mp_restartgame 1

bot_join_team: t for terrorists, and ct for counter-terrorists.
bot_quota tells how many bots to join.
mp_restartgame 1 is needed to get those settings work.