How can I install Eclipse 4 through Ubuntu Software Center (desktop 12.04 64bit)?

How do I install Eclipse 4 through Ubuntu Software Center on my desktop 12.04 64 bit os?

The reason I would like to install through Ubuntu Software Center is because it's easy to uninstall the software, and i want to manage all my installed programs through the Software Center.

If I have to install through other means, will Eclipse show up in Ubuntu Software Center?

Thanks for any help.

Update: Clarification

I did find Eclipse but it was version 3.7. I'm looking to install version 4.

Solution 1:

To the best of my knowledge, Eclipse 4 is not currently (as of 12.04) available through the Ubuntu repositories and as a result you can't install it through the software center. However, as Eclipse runs contained within it's own directory, you should be able to just download Eclipse 4, extract it to a directory somewhere and run the IDE.

If you want a menu launcher for it, I would suggest searching for and installing "alacarte" (I believe it's called "Main Menu" in your apps list) in the software center. You can create a menu item manually for Eclipse with that app.