Any alternatives for the word "deservability"?

The word "deservability" officially doesn't exist in dictionary. But, we might come across few situations where you need to make sentences like this one.

You deserve that job. But sometimes, capability is also required along with deservability.

I was discussing with my friend this morning who lost his job very recently and I had to say something like the above sentence but couldn't find the right words.

Are there any alternatives for the word "deservability" and if so, how to use those words in the situations like above?

The word which you are looking for is deservedness.

I think worthy or worthiness is the perfect substitution word you're looking for. It is used to indicate that someone has earned the value attributed them through their proven record or high quality of work and effort.

Miriam-Webster defines it as: worthy

  : good and deserving respect, praise, or attention
  : having enough good qualities to be considered important, useful, etc.

You deserve that job. But sometimes, capability is also required along with worthiness.