I am trying to start my webhttrack on ubuntu 12.04 precise pangolin but all i get is the opening screen. When i press any button on the page it gives me the following errors:

Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to barney:8081
Try reloading: barney:­8081/­server/­step2.­html

i tried to run from a terminal window and get the output here:

/usr/bin/webhttrack(4405:( launching /usr/bin/x-www-browser
/usr/bin/webhttrack(4405:( spawning regular browser..
Created new window in existing browser session.
/usr/bin/webhttrack(4405:( browser exited
/usr/bin/webhttrack: line 167:  4422 Killed                 
${BINPATH}/htsserver "${DISTPATH}/" path "${HOME}/websites" lang "${LANGN}"

If anyone can help me i appreciate it.

Solution 1:

You can use firefox instead of chrome. Interestingly, you don't even need to use firefox as long as you open it. (Would be interested to know why this could be.) My default browser is chrome and webhtttrack won't open there unless firefox is open as well.

Solution 2:

For me the problem was using chrome/chromium.

As described here, i hardcoded firefox in the webhttrack script:

sudo vim /usr/bin/webhttrack

and modified the first line into:


works like a charm after!

Solution 3:

Sometimes it will still want to use Chrome or even another browser. I used this trick and it worked good for me.

sudo gedit /usr/bin/webhttrack

Then there I search the line:


and change it to


Then I search for:

SRCHBROWSEREXE="x-www-browser www-browser iceape mozilla firefox icecat iceweasel abrowser firebird galeon konqueror opera chrome chromium chromium-browser netscape"

and just comment the line with #:

#SRCHBROWSEREXE="x-www-browser www-browser iceape mozilla firefox icecat iceweasel abrowser firebird galeon konqueror opera chrome chromium chromium-browser netscape"

Now just save and run, and it will open the browser of your choice.

Solution 4:

I had the same bug.

It seems that after editing


and commenting all the lines like :

#Listen 8080
#NameVirtualHost *:8080

and :

sudo service apache2 restart

it works.

I don't have the time to play around and investigate the bug more than that

PS: Before that I also installed the last quantal version but it didn't change a thing