Closing telnet connection gracefully from session mode itself without going to telnet prompt

a normal telnet connection is like this:

telnet localhost 22
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
telnet> close
Connection closed.

I want to close it from telnet session itself without coming to telnet prompt by pressing. My requirement is that if i press some control character from telnet session itself like CTRL+A so it will come out of session and close it automatically. something like this:

$ telnet localhost 22
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed.

I tried all the options given at the man page and tried to do some $HOME/.telnetrc file tests but couldn't achieve it, as telnetrc will execute all the commands written in it with the given host whenever a telnet to that host is done.

Can anyone help me in this, like how it can be achieved.

No, the telnet client (I'm guessing you are asking about the Linux one) only supports one escape character, Ctrl] (^]).

If you are just using telnet to make arbitrary TCP connections, consider using netcat or socat instead; these can be interrupted by simply pressing CtrlC.