Passing-variable-from-vbscript-to-batch-file with arguments

Unlike several other languages VBScript doesn't expand variables inside strings. Because of that, inp in the string

"job.bat ""a file"" inp "

is just the literal string "inp", not the value of the variable inp. To produce a string with the value of a variable, you have to concatenate base string and variable like @rojo suggested: "job.bat ""a file"" " & inp

I would, however, not recommend doing this without some safety precautions. For one thing you should always put double quotes around your arguments, in case they contain spaces. I normally use a quoting function for this to prevent the instruction from becoming riddled with quad-quotes:

Function qq(str) : qq = Chr(34) & str & Chr(34) : End Function

'... "job.bat " & qq("a file") & " " & qq(inp)

You should also always apply sanitizing to all user input that is passed to a shell command. Otherwise your users might wreak havoc by entering something like foo & del /s /q C:\*.*. Common practice is to allow only known-good characters in the input string and replace everything else with a safe character (e.g. an underscore). You can achieve this with a regular expression:

Set re = New RegExp
re.Pattern = "[^ a-z0-9äöü.,_$%()-]"
re.Global  = True
re.IgnoreCase = True

inp = re.Replace(inp, "_")

I think what you're looking for is this. "job.bat ""argfile.ext"" " & inp

However, as Ansgar Wiechers points out, this is a potentially severe security hole, as a treacherously crafted XML file could run arbitrary commands. To encapsulate your batch file arguments and prevent unintended consequences, consider switching to the Shell.Application object's ShellExecute method.

For Each listElement In xmlDoc.selectNodes("document/Lists/list")

    msgbox "toto"
    inp = listElement.selectSingleNode("entry").text
    out = listElement.selectSingleNode("output").text
    jeton = listElement.selectSingleNode("token").text

    set shell=CreateObject("Shell.Application") 
    shell.ShellExecute "job.bat", """a file"" " & inp, "path\to\batfile\", "runas", 1
    set shell=nothing 
