How to run the bind_param() statement in PHP?

I'm trying to make the following code work but I can't reach the execute() line.

$mysqli = $this->ConnectLowPrivileges();
echo 'Connected<br>';
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT `name`, `lastname` FROM `tblStudents` WHERE `idStudent`=?");
echo 'Prepared and binding parameters<br>';
$stmt->bind_param('i', 2 );
echo 'Ready to execute<br>'
if ($stmt->execute()){
    echo 'Executing..';
} else {
    echo 'Error executing!';

The output that I get is:

Prepared and binding parameters

So the problem should be at line 5, but checking the manual of bind_param() I can't find any syntax error there.

When binding parameters you need to pass a variable that is used as a reference:

$var = 1;

$stmt->bind_param('i', $var);

See the manual:

Note that $var doesn't actually have to be defined to bind it. The following is perfectly valid:

$stmt->bind_param('i', $var);

foreach ($array as $element)

    $var = $element['foo'];

