Using the Apple Battery Charger with non-Apple batteries

Solution 1:

Apple Batteries are Rebranded Sanyo Batteries

According to engadget, the Apple supplied batteries are actually Sanyo Eneloop HR-3UTG, so it appears that's one option for buying additional batteries to use with the Apple Battery Charger.

Powerex Batteries Don't Work

According to the Apple Battery Charger Manual,

  • Flashing Amber: May indicate any of the following conditions:
    • The batteries haven’t been properly installed in the charger.
    • An unsupported type of battery is in the charger.
    • The batteries may be faulty or damaged and should be replaced.

With that information, I tried charging the Powerex 2500 and 2700 batteries but received a flashing amber light.

Looks like I need to buy some of the Sanyo Eneloop HR-3UTG batteries.

Solution 2:

I too had original apple batteries and the orange light was flashing. I took carefully reinserted (rotated and cleaned the bottom and top of the leads) them and they seem to be charging now.

Solution 3:

And in my case, cleaning the terminals on the Apple charger made all the difference