Most viable strategy champion 5 picks for 1v1 showdown

Solution 1:

If you're confident in your ability to last hit I would take a sustainable easy wave clearing champ and just go for the 100 CS or tower, since both objectives are fairly similar in how you achieve them anyways.

My reason being is that this type of play prevents the enemy from achieving all 3 of their same goals because:

  • Sustain prevents the other person from killing you, unless going all in and risking their own life at the same time.

  • Easy wave clears will push the lane away from your tower keeping it from taking damage

  • This will also push your minions under their tower so they have a harder time farming.

Caitlyn can be a very safe champ with her huge range, Q to farm, and E to disengage from the enemy. She can take towers easily being AD but will need sustainability from items/runes/masteries.

Vladimir can be good if played well as he has very good sustainability HP wise and being manaless, wave clear, and disengage with his pool. Being AP he is better suited to farming than to push tower like Caitlyn.

These are just a couple examples but I find this type of gameplay is the safest/easiest for just about anyone to play.

Solution 2:

Best way to do it is Teemo to be quite honest . Easy last hit , fair amount of poke and could easy blind the target and make them either blind shot a cs or even you . not sure if you've seen doublelift + Xpecial vs the koreans do the 2 vs 2 , but any champ with poke HAS sustain somehow.

@esq : Nice hat LOL . Just noticed it now