HTTPS for Amazon S3 static website [closed]

Yes, as of today you can do it at no charge.

You can now use HTTPS with CNAMEs on CloudFront as it now supports custom SSL certificates using Server Name Indication (SNI):

I managed to set up a free Class 1 StartSSL cert for my CloudFront distributed static site on S3 without too much trouble (see: CloudFront error when serving over HTTPS using SNI).

On 2016-01-21 AWS launched AWS Certificate Manager, which is a free service that allows you to issue a SSL certificate to be used with Elastic Load Balancer and Cloud Front (along with S3 too).

You can learn more at:

And you can check how to deploy your S3 + Cloudfront website with free SSL from AWS at:

As of today, Cloudfront offers custom SSL:

Keep in mind, they are charging $600 / month. More details on the link above.