How do I switch to only using a keyboard for input?

Solution 1:

Press F7, then you enable to move over the page with the keyboard.
That is called caret browsing

Solution 2:

There's two types of solutions available;

  • Application-specific:

web browsers:

In Firefox, you can select text in three ways; using Shift+arrow key, Ctrl + f key, then entering the text string you wish to select, or Tab/Shift tab (one is cycling forward, the other cycles backwards). You would then use Ctrl+C key to copy your selected text. Finally Ctrl+V to paste the text.

Other applications:

The list is endless, you just need to see what their hotkeys are and adjust those as you see fit. Every application will be different.

  • System-wide:

Voice recognition app

Mouse Keys


convert the text you want to manipulate to another file type that is able to be modified by just a keyboard. If you're using a unix-alike operating system this is very easy. Most files on UNIX are plaintext files. Other file formats can be converted to plaintext. You can then edit, copy, append, and manipulate the text however you want using a shell emulator. Something similar can be done using MS Windows Machines using a shell emulator program (BASH on Windows, or Powershell depending on what version of MS Windows you are using.)