Proper fstab entry to mount a samba share on boot?

I am a little confused on the proper fstab entry for a samba share in Ubuntu 12.04

  • I can get the drive to mount manually by using:

    sudo mount -t cifs // /mnt/homeserver -o username=jon,password=password
  • So I tried putting this in fstab:

    // /mnt/homeserver cifs username=jon,password=password,iocharset=utf8,mode=0777,dir_mode=07‌​77 0 0
  • Which gives me this error in syslog:

    kernel: [ 2217.925354] CIFS: Unknown mount option mode
    kernel: [ 2217.936345] CIFS VFS: default security mechanism requested.  The default security mechanism will be upgraded from ntlm to ntlmv2 in kernel release 3.3
  • This guide says to use smbfs although I believe smbfs is deprecated?

What is a common fstab configuration for a samba share in Ubuntu 12.04?


Using the accepted answer below I was initially getting this error message (from dmesg):

[   45.520883] CIFS VFS: Error connecting to socket. Aborting operation
[   45.520990] CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -115

although it turns out this was due to network connectivity issues, and not related to improper fstab entry.

I've been through exactly this same issue this morning with 12.04 and here's how I got it working:

Install cifs-utils Install smbfs (even if you already have Samba and related packages installed):

sudo apt-get install cifs-utils

Edit /etc/fstab and add your entry:

//server/share /pathto/mountpoint cifs credentials=/home/username/.smbcredentials,uid=shareuser,gid=sharegroup 0 0

Create the .smbcredentials file in your home directory:


Make sure you secure your ~/.smbcredentials file:

chmod 0600 ~/.smbcredentials

Finally, test the mount with:

sudo mount -a

...and you should be good to go!

Your initial problem is in the option mode, as syslog says in the first line. What you probably meant was file_mode, see man mount.cifs for more information.

The credential approach mentioned by Eliah is indeed better than using username and password, but I don't think it interferes with the other options like file_mode or dir_mode.