How to get UITableViewCell indexPath from the Cell?

How do I, from a cell, get its indexPath in a UITableView?

I've searched around stack overflow and google, but all the information is on the other way around. Is there some way to access the superView/UITableView and then search for the cell?

More information about the context: there are two classes that I have, one is called Cue and one is called CueTableCell (which is a subclass of UITableViewCell) CueTableCell is the visual representation of Cue (both classes have pointers to each other). Cue objects are in a linked list and when the user performs a certain command, the visual representation (the CueTableCell) of the next Cue needs to be selected. So the Cue class calls the select method on the next Cue in the list, which retrieves the UITableView from the cell and calls its selectRowAtIndexPath:animated:scrollPosition:, for which it needs the indexPath of the UITableViewCell.

Solution 1:

NSIndexPath *indexPath = [self.tableView indexPathForCell:cell];

It helps reading the UITableView documentation, even if this is by some regarded to be controversial (see comments below).

The cell has no business knowing what its index path is. The controller should contain any code that manipulates UI elements based on the data model or that modifies data based on UI interactions. (See MVC.)

Solution 2:

Try with this from your UITableViewCell:

NSIndexPath *indexPath = [(UITableView *)self.superview indexPathForCell: self];

EDIT: Seems this doesn't work on iOS 8.1.2 and further. Thanks to Chris Prince for pointing it.