"const T &arg" vs. "T arg"

Which of the following examples is the better way of declaring the following function and why?

void myFunction (const int &myArgument);


void myFunction (int myArgument);

Use const T & arg if sizeof(T)>sizeof(void*) and use T arg if sizeof(T) <= sizeof(void*)

They do different things. const T& makes the function take a reference to the variable. On the other hand, T arg will call the copy constructor of the object and passes the copy. If the copy constructor is not accessible (e.g. it's private), T arg won't work:

class Demo {
    public: Demo() {} 
    private: Demo(const Demo& t) { } 

void foo(Demo t) { }

int main() {
    Demo t;
    foo(t); // error: cannot copy `t`.
    return 0;

For small values like primitive types (where all matters is the contents of the object, not the actual referential identity; say, it's not a handle or something), T arg is generally preferred. For large objects and objects that you can't copy and/or preserving referential identity is important (regardless of the size), passing the reference is preferred.

Another advantage of T arg is that since it's a copy, the callee cannot maliciously alter the original value. It can freely mutate the variable like any local variables to do its work.

Taken from Move constructors. I like the easy rules

  1. If the function intends to change the argument as a side effect, take it by reference/pointer to a non-const object. Example:

    void Transmogrify(Widget& toChange);
    void Increment(int* pToBump);
  2. If the function doesn't modify its argument and the argument is of primitive type, take it by value. Example:

    double Cube(double value);
  3. Otherwise

    3.1. If the function always makes a copy of its argument inside, take it by value.

    3.2. If the function never makes a copy of its argument, take it by reference to const.

    3.3. Added by me: If the function sometimes makes a copy, then decide on gut feeling: If the copy is done almost always, then take by value. If the copy is done half of the time, go the safe way and take by reference to const.

In your case, you should take the int by value, because you don't intend to modify the argument, and the argument is of primitive type. I think of "primitive type" as either a non-class type or a type without a user defined copy constructor and where sizeof(T) is only a couple of bytes.

There's a popular advice that states that the method of passing ("by value" vs "by const reference") should be chosen depending in the actual size of the type you are going to pass. Even in this discussion you have an answer labeled as "correct" that suggests exactly that.

In reality, basing your decision on the size of the type is not only incorrect, this is a major and rather blatant design error, revealing a serious lack of intuition/understanding of good programming practices.

Decisions based on the actual implementation-dependent physical sizes of the objects must be left to the compiler as often as possible. Trying to "tailor" your code to these sizes by hard-coding the passing method is a completely counterproductive waste of effort in 99 cases out of 100. (Yes, it is true, that in case of C++ language, the compiler doesn't have enough freedom to use these methods interchangeably - they are not really interchangeable in C++ in general case. Although, if necessary, a proper size-based [semi-]automatic passing methios selection might be implemented through template metaprogramming; but that's a different story).

The much more meaningful criterion for selecting the passing method when you write the code "by hand" might sound as follows:

  1. Prefer to pass "by value" when you are passing an atomic, unitary, indivisible entity, such as a single non-aggregate value of any type - a number, a pointer, an iterator. Note that, for example, iterators are unitary values at the logical level. So, prefer to pass iterators by value, regardless of whether their actual size is greater than sizeof(void*). (STL implementation does exactly that, BTW).

  2. Prefer to pass "by const reference" when you are passing an aggregate, compound value of any kind. i.e. a value that has exposed pronouncedly "compound" nature at the logical level, even if its size is no greater than sizeof(void*).

The separation between the two is not always clear, but that how things always are with all such recommendations. Moreover, the separation into "atomic" and "compound" entities might depend on the specifics of your design, so the decision might actually differ from one design to the other.

Note, that this rule might produce decisions different from those of the allegedly "correct" size-based method mentioned in this discussion.

As an example, it is interesing to observe, that the size-based method will suggest you manually hard-code different passing methods for different kinds of iterators, depending on their physical size. This makes is especially obvious how bogus the size-based method is.

Once again, one of the basic principles from which good programming practices derive, is to avoid basing your decisions on physical characteristics of the platform (as much as possible). Instead, you decisions have to be based on the logical and conceptual properties of the entities in your program (as much as possible). The issue of passing "by value" or "by reference" is no exception here.

In C++11 introduction of move semantics into the language produced a notable shift in the relative priorities of different parameter-passing methods. Under certain circumstances it might become perfectly feasible to pass even complex objects by value

Should all/most setter functions in C++11 be written as function templates accepting universal references?

Contrary to popular and long-held beliefs, passing by const reference isn't necessarily faster even when you're passing a large object. You might want to read Dave Abrahams recent article on this very subject.

Edit: (mostly in response to Jeff Hardy's comments): It's true that passing by const reference is probably the "safest" alternative under the largest number of circumstances -- but that doesn't mean it's always the best thing to do. But, to understand what's being discussed here, you really do need to read Dave's entire article quite carefully, as it is fairly technical, and the reasoning behind its conclusions is not always intuitively obvious (and you need to understand the reasoning to make intelligent choices).