Yosemite has caused many apps to prompt "allow incoming internet connections" - every launch

I've done my research and found some really ancient questions, including this one, Always Asked to Configure Firewall for iTunes, where the firewall on OS X asks to allow incoming internet connections every time I launch an app that is internet connected.

This has only happened since I upgraded to yosemite. This is also doing the same for apps like steam that need to use accessibility features for in game overlays.

I've tried several fixes, including re-installing apps, to no avail.

It seems that since the yosemite upgrade, it just doesn't seem to store preference information, like it's stuck in a certain state and nothing will override it.

Any help out there please as it's becoming quite an annoyance!

Solution 1:

Sadly, adding the permission to the Firewall preference pane doesn't work. It may work for one launch, but the problem returns when you quit and launch it again. OS X doesn't like unsigned apps and will ignore your preferences for your own protection. I had the same problem with Kodi and the only way around it was to sign the application yourself using the shell command prompt.

sudo codesign --force --sign - /Applications/Steam.app/ 

You will then have to OK it once to allow a connection, but it will then stop nagging you finally.