set default communication device windows 10 powershell

Try the below, tweak as needed.

Switching Audio Input and Output With PowerShell

All the control panel dialog is doing under the hood is changing a few registry settings. What I wanted a script that would let me change from one profile to another.

$r = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")
$regRoot = "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\"

$profiles = @{"Netbook" = @("Realtek HD Audio output",      
                            "Realtek HD Audio input");
            "Bluetooth" = @("Bluetooth Hands-free Audio", 
                            "Bluetooth Hands-free Audio") }

function Write-Message ( [string]$message )
    echo $message
    # Uncomment this line to show dialog outputs from -set 
    # $r = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show($message)

function Set-Mapping ( [string]$devOut, [string]$devIn )
    echo "Profile audio:`n  in  = $devIn`n  out = $devOut"

    $regKey = $regRoot + "\Multimedia\Sound Mapper\"
    Set-ItemProperty $regKey -name Playback -value $devOut
    Set-ItemProperty $regKey -name Record -value $devIn

function List-Devices
    $regKey = $regRoot + "\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Volume Control\"
    echo "Sound devices:"
    ls $regKey | where { ! $_.Name.EndsWith("Options") } | 
        Foreach-Object { 
            echo ("  " + $_.Name.Substring($_.Name.LastIndexOf("\")+1)) 

$cmd = $args[0]
switch ($cmd)
        echo "Sound profiles:"
        echo $profiles
        $p = $args[1]
        if (!$profiles.ContainsKey($p)) {
            echo "No such profile: $p"
            echo $profiles
        Set-Mapping $profiles.Get_Item($p)[0] $profiles.Get_Item($p)[1]
        Write-Message "Profile set to: $p"
        Write-Message "No such option: $cmd" 

As you can see it has three options:

-profiles – List the available sound profiles. -devices – List the sound devices. -set [profile] – Set the audio profile.