SSH Tunnel from Windows through Linux to Windows

Solution 1:

Preliminary notes

  • I don't use Windows but hopefully it won't matter much.
  • Often when I say "A", "B", "C", I really mean "the user on A", "user1 on B", "user2 on C" respectively. E.g. "the B's key" means "user1's key available on B". This is for brevity.


This is how -J works:

-J destination
Connect to the target host by first making a ssh connection to the jump host described by destination and then establishing a TCP forwarding to the ultimate destination from there.

This means ssh -J user1@B user2@C is not equivalent to connecting from A to B and then from B to C. It's equivalent to connecting from A to B and then from A to C (using packets forwarded through B). No SSH client is invoked on B, so the key that allows you to connect from B to C is never used.


The most elegant way to solve the general problem is to make C accept the (or an) A's key. You said:

It works if I use the same key pair on all three hosts, but I would like to use different users with different key pairs because of security reasons.

You can use different pairs. I understand there's currently a key pair that allows you to connect from A to B and a separate pair that allows B to C. The latter is irrelevant. On C authorize any key A uses to authenticate. It may be the old key (the one already authorized on B); but it may be a new key created exclusively for this connection.

Then, when you do ssh -J user1@B user2@C on A, you need to use the key that allows A to connect to B and the key that allows A to connect to C. If they are different keys, you need to use them both. Use -i once or even twice if needed.

Alternative solution

You can use the already registered keys if you actually connect from B to C after connecting from A to B. If you wanted to log in from A to C, then it would be like:

# from A
ssh -t user1@B 'ssh user2@C'

(at least in Linux; I'm not sure how quoting works in Windows).

This command runs ssh on B to connect to C, so it will use the B's key.

About port forwarding

Your original command used -N and -L, so I understand the only goal is to forward a port. You forwarded the port using the A-to-C connection and the destination was also C; so the last leg for forwarded packets was from the SSH server on C to C. Maybe the [remote_port] is reachable from B. If so, then you don't need any of the above solutions; all you need is:

ssh -NL [port]:C:[remote_port] user1@B

This will make the last leg for forwarded packets be from the SSH server on B to C.

If the last leg must be from C to C, then the course of action depends on which solution you choose.

  • The solution with an A's key authorized on C will allow you to use your original command without passwords.

  • The solution with running ssh on B will require you to forward the port from A to B and separately from B to C. Something like:

    ssh -L [port]:localhost:[relay_port] user1@B 'ssh -NL [relay_port]:C:[remote_port] user2@C'