Solution 1:

Make sure you set the web server to use a MIME type video/mp4 for .mp4. I accidentally set .mp4 to use MIME type video/mpeg, the video plays in Chrome, but not in IE11.

Also you need to make sure the video uses H264 video codec and AAC audio codec

Solution 2:

I just had a similar problem, my own site HTML5 did not work at all. No error message just blank.

The reason was Windows7 N (EU - no media player).

After installing the Windows Media Player, this (and also other problems) are fixed. I hope it helps :)

Solution 3:

It doesn't look like it works in Win7+IE10 for some reason. Everything else looks good. Tested against the following pages, which includes test.

Win7 IE9 – OK

Win7 IE10 – nope

Win8 IE10 – OK

Win7 IE11 – OK

Win8 IE11 – OK

BrowserStack screenshots for the MS test page.