Cloned Windows 10 hangs in black screen with cursor

I found the workaround myself. There were the drive letters that caused the trouble. Booted the cloned Window from SSD via Troubleshooting and F6 as Safe Mode with Command Prompt. Typed CTRL + SHIFT + ESC and then observed something strange. The instance actually booted the Windows from the HDD that is in the Caddy and everything was mounted as C:. But not so did the Command Prompt where it initiated D:\windows\system32 instead of C:\windows\system32. In other words the CMD instance thought it is the cloned Windows in SSD which is active. I then entered regedit from CMD, removed all the entries in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\MountedDevices but left the empty (Default) Value. Removed the HDD with the Caddy which is hotswappable, rebooted the system. Selected the cloned Windows 10 from SSD and to my amazement it kicked in. The MountedDevices automatically had created a new entry with current Drive (SSD) and current active Partition being correctly C:

Caution: Messing with Registry may damage your Windows!

Image of the new entry, Initial Path and Drive Uniqueidentifier