What is a word that means someone who is involved in the arts without implying a specific type of art?

We would call them a creative type.

Jane is really a creative type. She always seems to be producing a short film, painting, or drawing!

It describes people with an artistic bend to them of any type.

Otherwise, artist is still appropriate to describe anyone who creates art of any type.

executant might fit. It has a broader meaning and still might depend on the context. It is usually used in musical art though.

noun ~ An artist or musician:

she could play, though not an advanced executant

adjective ~ Relating to artistic creation or the performance of music:

music is both an art and an executant skill

Also, to be more specific, "executant artist" might be used.

But as mentioned, artist itself can be used and you can construct your sentence or sentences accordingly.

I'm going to push the limits here because I love art. Using "creator" was not a bad idea also, though it still depends on the context. So why don't we go with art-creator. It still means artist but puts the emphasis on creation also.

Google Ngrams will show a few sparse hits, but the term does get used to refer to different kinds of artists, such as DiVinci and composer Franz Schubert.

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And here are some usages and explanations from books: (I compared past and contemporary usages and included the ones that mentions art-creator and artist together, though there are usages with religious connotations as well and I excluded them)

enter image description hereSource: Gadamer and the Legacy of German Idealism By Kristin Gjesdal

enter image description hereSource: Evolution in Science, Philosophy and Art: Popular Lectures and Discussions Before the Brooklyn Ethical Association by Brooklyn Ethical Association

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Source: Phenomenology World Wide: Foundations - Expanding Dynamics - Life-Engagements, A Guide for Research and Study By Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka