fatal: bad default revision 'HEAD'

I'm using GIT as my source control system. We have it installed on one of our Linux boxes. Tortoise GIT is my windows client.

This morning I checked in some changes, and tagged the code. I then did a push of my local repository to the remote repository.

When I go to my repository on the unix box and type in git log I get:

fatal: bad default revision 'HEAD'

But when I do a show log using my windows tortoiseGit client the history comes up nicely as per below...

SHA-1: f879573ba3d8e62089b8c673257c928779f71692

Initial drop of code

master origin/master oms-phase4-v1.0.0
SHA-1: 56176dbe45e6175b18c9f44533828806c63142ab

OMS Phase 4 - Added OMS Cust. Order No. to EDI Purchase Order Header screens

Tag Info

object 56176dbe45e6175b18c9f44533828806c63142ab
type commit
tag oms-phase4-v1.0.0
tagger Richard Riviere <[email protected]> 1364338495 +1100

SHA-1: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Working dir changes
0 files changed


The code has definitely been pushed to the remote repository. I've been able to check by cloning the repository into a different directory.

Does anyone know why I am receiving the fatal: bad default revision 'HEAD'?

p.s. It is a bare repository however I have created other bare repositories which have not had this problem.

just do an initial commit and the error will go away:

git commit -m "initial commit"

This happens to me when the branch I'm working in gets deleted from the repository, but the workspace I'm in is not updated. (We have a tool that lets you create multiple git "workspaces" from the same repository using simlinks.)

If git branch does not mark any branch as current, try doing

git reset --hard <<some branch>>

I tried a number of approaches until I worked this one out.

Not committed yet?

It is a orphan branch if it has no commit.