How do I make two or more lines of Lore on an item?

I am playing Minecraft and am making a map for a contest. I want some lore but cannot figure out how to do two or more lines.

Solution 1:

Let's see...

/give @p 268 1 0 {display:{Lore:[Hey look at this awesome lore!]}}

This would give you a wooden sword with a single line of lore. But putting a comma in there:

/give @p 268 1 0 {display:{Lore:[Hey look at this, awesome lore!]}}

Would separate it into two lines. Simple enough answer, can't find much to elaborate on - except it works just like other data tags, where a comma indicates another value (like: /give @p 268 1 0 {ench:[{id:16,lvl:100},{id:0,lvl:1}]} separates the id and lvl values, and the separate bundles)