How to set every row to the same value with Laravel's Eloquent/Fluent?

Just to keep this thread current, you can update all rows against an Eloquent model directly using:

Model::query()->update(['confirmed' => 1]);

Well, an easy answer: no, you can't with eloquent. A model represents 1 row in the database, it wouldn't make sense if they implemented this.

However, there is a way to do this with fluent:

$affected = DB::table('table')->update(array('confirmed' => 1));

or even better

$affected = DB::table('table')->where('confirmed', '=', 0)->update(array('confirmed' => 1));

You can do this with elquent (laravel 4):

MyModel::where('confirmed', '=', 0)->update(['confirmed' => 1])

Solution for updating all rows :

  1. Create an extra column ( like 'updateAll') and assign static value for all rows (like this 'updateAll' = '1' ) in mysql table.

  2. Add hidden input field with name="forUpdateAll" and value="forUpdateAllValue" ( to execute only specific code for updating all rows)

  3. Then for update(Request $request, $id) method add this code :
public function update(Request $request, $id){
      if($request->get('forUpdateAll') == "forUpdateAllValue"){
                 $question = \App\YourModel::where('updateAll',$id)
                         'confirmed' => 1

      }else {
          //other code ( update for unique record ) 
  1. Setup your form like this :
<form role="form" action="/examples/1" method="post">        
      {{ method_field('PATCH') }}
      {{ csrf_field()}}
      <input type="hidden" name="forUpdateAll" value="forUpdateAllValue">  
      <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>