I just got a Mac! How do I do "end" , "home", "page up" and "page down" in my terminal/VIM editor?

Solution 1:

Do the standard over-30-year-old vi shortcuts of

^f (forward == page down)
^b (back == page up)
^ (that's a shift-6 caret for start of line) and
$ (end of line)

...not work?

Or are you looking for PC-style keyboard keys for those functions? For those, use Fn + arrow keys:

Fn + down arrow == page down
Fn + up arrow == page up
Fn + left arrow == home
Fn + right arrow == end

Solution 2:

Vim commands (these aren't mac specific):

end of line: $

start of line: 0

page down: ctrl+f

page up: ctrl+b

Solution 3:

If you look in the terminal keyboard settings - you can swap the actions for page up/down and shift page up/down. That works in default vim and like you'd expect on remote boxes.

gg and G are all you need for home/end. (I did spend a while trying to make it work)