How to reset volume mixer for Windows 10?

It is related to How to reset per application volume setting in Windows 7 and Vista. Is there any better way to do this in Windows 10?

Solution 1:

In your Windows 10 settings, navigate to Sound, and at the bottom of the page, locate "App volume and device preferences" under the Advanced sound options.

From that screen, press the reset button to "reset to the Microsoft recommended defaults."

App volume and device preferences

Solution 2:

I propose a script to automatically reset the audio properties of the Windows 10 mixer.

  1. Create a reset_snd_vol.bat file
  2. Copy-Paste this code:

NET STOP Audiosrv
NET STOP AudioEndpointBuilder

REG DELETE "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\Audio\PolicyConfig\PropertyStore" /F
REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\Audio\PolicyConfig\PropertyStore"

NET START Audiosrv
  1. (optional) Create a shortcut with admin right

Explanation: The script allows you to delete all audio volume settings (of each application) written in the windows registry. It is a hard reset.

It's work for me. I use Windows 10 x64


There is also a software that proposes to do the same thing but with a UI and configurable with command line options. It is called NirSoft - AppAudioConfig