Lecture Notes for Hatcher's Algebraic Topology

Hatcher's book Algebraic Topology is a standard text in the subject, and I was wondering if there were any lecture notes or even syllabi to accompany it. I am mostly concerned with sequencing, meaning the most useful order for a reader to go through the book the first time. Any additional resources for one going through Hatcher would also be welcome, like hints on exercises. Ideally this would be for a more elementary course in algebraic topology, although I have already completed from lecture 24 on of "introduction to Algebraic Topology" lectures by N. J. Wieldberger (found on youtube), and so I have had a basic foundation in some of the concepts, however this seems at a much lower level than Hatcher.

EDIT: I found MIT's Algebraic Topology and it is a good example of what I am looking for. This one focuses on the homology and cohomology sections of the book, and excludes the homotopy sections. I was looking for more like it, but perhaps focusing on other parts of the book?

Solution 1:

Here are some typed up lecture notes from a few people:

$\textbf{1. Arun Debray}$


He has course notes for a large selection of courses. In particular, for algebraic topology: https://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/a.debray/lecture_notes/215b_notes.pdf

follows Soren Galatius' course found at: http://math.stanford.edu/~galatius/215B15/

$\textbf{2. Evan Chen}$


He has notes for various courses. In particular, his algebraic topology notes (which don't follow Hatcher) seem to be at a more elementary level:


$\textbf{3. Akhil Mathew}$


He has notes for algebraic topology and various other things.

$\textbf{4. Zev Chonoles}$


He has notes for Benson Farb's AT class (in fact, you may look at Farb's notes by pressing the "+")

$\textbf{5. Kiyoshi Igusa}$


Has lecture notes to courses he taught. In particular, there's an algebraic topology course here:


(there are homotopy theory notes too)

$\textbf{6. Anton Geraschenko}$


Lots of notes for various Berkeley classes (algebraic topology included).

$\textbf{7. Alvin Jin}$


I've begun typing up notes for various things.

Other people of interest for other courses/topics (while I'm at it):

$\textbf{1. Keith Conrad}$


Lots of nice notes.

$\textbf{2. Brian Conrad}$


Lots of nice lecture notes (if you click on his courses and click on "handouts")

$\textbf{3. Moor Xu}$


Some course notes typed up.

$\textbf{4. Robert Ash}$


Nice set of books with solutions provided.

I might add more later as they come to mind...