Single word for 'never return'

Is there a single word for 'never return' or 'will never return'? e.g,

She's gone and will never return.

Sorry if it's a poor example I'm not a native speaker of the English language. So, if you find any mistake in what I have written, you are free to fix for me or tell me.

I think your best bet is to modify the "gone." For example, "gone for good" or "gone permanently".

Consider abandon

to give up (something) completely or forever: to abandon all hope

Your construction could be She's abandoned us!

Depending on the subjects choice in the matter, I could recommend exile.

(As a verb) Expel and bar (someone) from their native country, typically for political or punitive reasons

If the person leaving was told to go, you could say she was exiled. This implies that she was forced to leave and may not return.