How to make nautilus the default file manager in LXDE

Correcting this question, I've realised that I was - and still am - unable to sync folders with ubuntu one, because pcmanfm is still my default LXDE file manager, despite the fact that I've changed the panel settings as I should have done (at least I think so) and replaced the entry "pcmanfm %s" with "nautilus". Yet, how can I actually change it?

Kind regards, schlossblick

When you open file manager you get

enter image description here Now go to Menu --> Accessories --> File Manager --> right click, and choose properties

enter image description here

Change pcmafm to nautilus and you will get

enter image description here

However that only changes the application that will be opened by the shortcut "file manager". It does not make nautilus the "default file manager" in the proper sense: Opening a folder on the desktop, or opening a file location from an application would not open nautilus, but still pcmanfm.

Note: I will be adding information on how to make this change permanent in the next couple of days.

Note: This is my own personal opinion. I've tried these steps on my machine, and they worked. But I didn't like the outcome.

Change the contents of /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart as shown below.


@xscreensaver -no-splash
@setxkbmap -option grp:switch,grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll us,ar
@lxpanel --profile LXDE
@pcmanfm --desktop --profile LXDE 


@xscreensaver -no-splash
@setxkbmap -option grp:switch,grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll us,ar
@lxpanel --profile LXDE
@/usr/bin/nautilus -n

Also you can take a look at to see if it might help.


In Ubuntu 14.04 here's what I did. I did a fresh installation of Ubuntu 14.04, and then installed LXDE. Once that was done, I set nautilus as a default file manager using the following command:

xdg-mime default nautilus.desktop inode/directory application/x-gnome-saved-search

and then I checked the current default file manager using the command below:

xdg-mime query default inode/directory

and it showed Nautilus as the default. See image below.

enter image description here

I'm on LUbuntu 14.04.2 LTS. The file ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE/autostart is empty.

But you can edit preferences:

  1. In terminal run nano ~/.config/lxsession/Lubuntu/desktop.conf
  2. Find the line file_manager/command=pcmanfm
  3. Change for file_manager/command=nautilus
  4. Restart

None of these answers worked for me. At best they provided a partial result:

My goal was to use nemo as my file manager, under LXDE, and have it also manage the desktop transparently.

On Ubuntu Trusty:

The LXDE documentation indicates that the program LXSession is in charge of the management of sessions.

LXSession has an autostart file, that runs at the beginning of an LXDE session. It can be used to disable pcmanfm, and instead start any file manager of your choosing.


  1. Install your file manager of choice; for me, nemo.

  2. Open ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE/autostart, you can do this from the terminal with sudo nano ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE/autostart, or gksudo gedit ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE/autostart

  3. Remove the line starting with @pcmanfm

  4. At the bottom of the script, add a command to launch your preferred file manager (prefixed with an @ sign). @nemo -n

  5. Save the file.

  6. Logout, login once again.

  7. Live long, and prosper.

On 17.04:

Menu -> Preferences -> Default apps for LXSession -> File manager -> More -> Write nautilus