The Delete key is not working. I used an external keyboard to check if there is a hardware problem with the keyboard, but it did not help.

Moreover, If I click on any file to open it, it gets deleted.

Solution 1:

The way your post is stated, I am assuming you are on a laptop.

The problem is that your delete key is stuck in the pressing position. As a result, you never get a key_down event registered, and because it is already pressed, any file you click is deleted because that is what the Delete key does.

To solve the problem, first plug out all USB devices, including small dongles and see if the problem goes away or not. If not, press the Del key a few times such that if it is indeed stuck, you'll get it unstuck. If that doesn't work, reboot while still have all USB devices unplugged. If that doesn't work either, you will have to get your laptop's keyboard replaced.