How to count of sub-string occurrences? [duplicate]

Regex.Matches(input, "OU=").Count

You can find all the occurrences and their positions with IndexOf:

string MyString = "OU=Level3,OU=Level2,OU=Level1,DC=domain,DC=com";
string stringToFind = "OU=";

List<int> positions = new List<int>();
int pos = 0;
while ((pos < MyString.Length) && (pos = MyString.IndexOf(stringToFind, pos)) != -1)
    pos += stringToFind.Length();

Console.WriteLine("{0} occurrences", positions.Count);
foreach (var p in positions)

You can get the same result from a regular expression:

var matches = Regex.Matches(MyString, "OU=");
Console.WriteLine("{0} occurrences", matches.Count);
foreach (var m in matches)

The primary differences:

  • The Regex code is shorter
  • The Regex code allocates a collection and multiple strings.
  • The IndexOf code could be written to output the position immediately, without creating a collection.
  • It's likely that the Regex code will be faster in isolation, but if used many times the combined overhead of the string allocations could cause a much higher load on the garbage collector.

If I were writing this in-line, as something that didn't get used often, I'd probably go with the regex solution. If I were to put it into a library as something to be used a lot, I'd probably go with the IndexOf solution.


You look like you're parsing an LDAP query!

Would you like to parse it:

  • manually? Goto "SplittingAndParsing"
  • Automagically via Win32 calls? Goto "Using Win32 via PInvoke"



var MyString = "OU=Level3,OU=Level2,OU=Level1,DC=domain,DC=com";
var chunksAsKvps = MyString
    .Select(chunk => 
            var bits = chunk.Split('='); 
            return new KeyValuePair<string,string>(bits[0], bits[1]);

var allOUs = chunksAsKvps
    .Where(kvp => kvp.Key.Equals("OU", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

"Using Win32 via PInvoke":


var parsedDn = Win32LDAP.ParseDN(str);    
var allOUs2 = parsedDn
    .Where(dn => dn.Key.Equals("OU", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

Utility Code:

// I don't remember where I got this from, honestly...I *think* it came
// from another SO user long ago, but those details I've lost to history...
public class Win32LDAP
   #region Constants
   public const int ERROR_SUCCESS = 0;
   public const int ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW = 111;
   #endregion Constants

   #region DN Parsing
   [DllImport("ntdsapi.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
   protected static extern int DsGetRdnW(
       ref IntPtr ppDN, 
       ref int pcDN, 
       out IntPtr ppKey, 
       out int pcKey, 
       out IntPtr ppVal, 
       out int pcVal

   public static KeyValuePair<string, string> GetName(string distinguishedName)
       IntPtr pDistinguishedName = Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni(distinguishedName);
           IntPtr pDN = pDistinguishedName, pKey, pVal;
           int cDN = distinguishedName.Length, cKey, cVal;

           int lastError = DsGetRdnW(ref pDN, ref cDN, out pKey, out cKey, out pVal, out cVal);

           if(lastError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
               string key, value;

               if(cKey < 1)
                   key = string.Empty;
                   key = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(pKey, cKey);

               if(cVal < 1)
                   value = string.Empty;
                   value = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(pVal, cVal);

               return new KeyValuePair<string, string>(key, value);
               throw new Win32Exception(lastError);

   public static IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> ParseDN(string distinguishedName)
       List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> components = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
       IntPtr pDistinguishedName = Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni(distinguishedName);
           IntPtr pDN = pDistinguishedName, pKey, pVal;
           int cDN = distinguishedName.Length, cKey, cVal;

               int lastError = DsGetRdnW(ref pDN, ref cDN, out pKey, out cKey, out pVal, out cVal);

               if(lastError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
                   string key, value;

                   if(cKey < 0)
                       key = null;
                   else if(cKey == 0)
                       key = string.Empty;
                       key = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(pKey, cKey);

                   if(cVal < 0)
                       value = null;
                   else if(cVal == 0)
                       value = string.Empty;
                       value = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(pVal, cVal);

                   components.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(key, value));

                   pDN = (IntPtr)(pDN.ToInt64() + UnicodeEncoding.CharSize); //skip over comma
                   throw new Win32Exception(lastError);
           } while(cDN > 0);

           return components;

   [DllImport("ntdsapi.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
   protected static extern int DsQuoteRdnValueW(
       int cUnquotedRdnValueLength,
       string psUnquotedRdnValue,
       ref int pcQuotedRdnValueLength,
       IntPtr psQuotedRdnValue

   public static string QuoteRDN(string rdn)
       if (rdn == null) return null;

       int initialLength = rdn.Length;
       int quotedLength = 0;
       IntPtr pQuotedRDN = IntPtr.Zero;

       int lastError = DsQuoteRdnValueW(initialLength, rdn, ref quotedLength, pQuotedRDN);

       switch (lastError)
           case ERROR_SUCCESS:
                   return string.Empty;
           case ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW:
                   break; //continue
                   throw new Win32Exception(lastError);

       pQuotedRDN = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(quotedLength * UnicodeEncoding.CharSize);

           lastError = DsQuoteRdnValueW(initialLength, rdn, ref quotedLength, pQuotedRDN);

               case ERROR_SUCCESS:
                       return Marshal.PtrToStringUni(pQuotedRDN, quotedLength);
                       throw new Win32Exception(lastError);
           if(pQuotedRDN != IntPtr.Zero)

   [DllImport("ntdsapi.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
   protected static extern int DsUnquoteRdnValueW(
       int cQuotedRdnValueLength,
       string psQuotedRdnValue,
       ref int pcUnquotedRdnValueLength,
       IntPtr psUnquotedRdnValue

   public static string UnquoteRDN(string rdn)
       if (rdn == null) return null;

       int initialLength = rdn.Length;
       int unquotedLength = 0;
       IntPtr pUnquotedRDN = IntPtr.Zero;

       int lastError = DsUnquoteRdnValueW(initialLength, rdn, ref unquotedLength, pUnquotedRDN);

       switch (lastError)
           case ERROR_SUCCESS:
                   return string.Empty;
           case ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW:
                   break; //continue
                   throw new Win32Exception(lastError);

       pUnquotedRDN = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(unquotedLength * UnicodeEncoding.CharSize);

           lastError = DsUnquoteRdnValueW(initialLength, rdn, ref unquotedLength, pUnquotedRDN);

               case ERROR_SUCCESS:
                       return Marshal.PtrToStringUni(pUnquotedRDN, unquotedLength);
                       throw new Win32Exception(lastError);
           if(pUnquotedRDN != IntPtr.Zero)
   #endregion DN Parsing

public class DNComponent
   public string Type { get; protected set; }
   public string EscapedValue { get; protected set; }
   public string UnescapedValue { get; protected set; }
   public string WholeComponent { get; protected set; }

   public DNComponent(string component, bool isEscaped)
       string[] tokens = component.Split(new char[] { '=' }, 2);
       setup(tokens[0], tokens[1], isEscaped);

   public DNComponent(string key, string value, bool isEscaped)
       setup(key, value, isEscaped);

   private void setup(string key, string value, bool isEscaped)
       Type = key;

           EscapedValue = value;
           UnescapedValue = Win32LDAP.UnquoteRDN(value);
           EscapedValue = Win32LDAP.QuoteRDN(value);
           UnescapedValue = value;

       WholeComponent = Type + "=" + EscapedValue;

   public override bool Equals(object obj)
       if (obj is DNComponent)
           DNComponent dnObj = (DNComponent)obj;
           return dnObj.WholeComponent.Equals(this.WholeComponent, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
       return base.Equals(obj);

   public override int GetHashCode()
       return WholeComponent.GetHashCode();

public class DistinguishedName
   public DNComponent[] Components
           return components.ToArray();

   private List<DNComponent> components;
   private string cachedDN;

   public DistinguishedName(string distinguishedName)
       cachedDN = distinguishedName;
       components = new List<DNComponent>();
       foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in Win32LDAP.ParseDN(distinguishedName))
           components.Add(new DNComponent(kvp.Key, kvp.Value, true));

   public DistinguishedName(IEnumerable<DNComponent> dnComponents)
       components = new List<DNComponent>(dnComponents);
       cachedDN = GetWholePath(",");

   public bool Contains(DNComponent dnComponent)
       return components.Contains(dnComponent);

   public string GetDNSDomainName()
       List<string> dcs = new List<string>();
       foreach (DNComponent dnc in components)
           if(dnc.Type.Equals("DC", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
       return string.Join(".", dcs.ToArray());

   public string GetDomainDN()
       List<string> dcs = new List<string>();
       foreach (DNComponent dnc in components)
           if(dnc.Type.Equals("DC", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
       return string.Join(",", dcs.ToArray());

   public string GetWholePath()
       return GetWholePath(",");

   public string GetWholePath(string separator)
       List<string> parts = new List<string>();
       foreach (DNComponent component in components)
       return string.Join(separator, parts.ToArray());

   public DistinguishedName GetParent()
       if(components.Count == 1)
           return null;
       List<DNComponent> tempList = new List<DNComponent>(components);
       return new DistinguishedName(tempList);

   public override bool Equals(object obj)
       if(obj is DistinguishedName)
           DistinguishedName objDN = (DistinguishedName)obj;
           if (this.Components.Length == objDN.Components.Length)
               for (int i = 0; i < this.Components.Length; i++)
                   if (!this.Components[i].Equals(objDN.Components[i]))
                       return false;
               return true;
           return false;
       return base.Equals(obj);

   public override int GetHashCode()
       return cachedDN.GetHashCode();

this extension needs less resources than regualr expressions.

public static int CountSubstring(this string text, string value)
    int count = 0, minIndex = text.IndexOf(value, 0);
    while (minIndex != -1)
        minIndex = text.IndexOf(value, minIndex + value.Length);
    return count;


MyString = "OU=Level3,OU=Level2,OU=Level1,DC=domain,DC=com";
int count = MyString.CountSubstring("OU=");

below should work

  MyString = "OU=Level3,OU=Level2,OU=Level1,DC=domain,DC=com";
  int count = Regex.Matches(MyString, "OU=").Count