lighttpd.conf on different folder

I have vps. i have installed lighttpd, my conf file is on the /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf

Then I installed phpmyadmin using apt-get which writes a new lighttpd.conf automatically on /etc/phpmyadmin/lighttpd.conf

The weird thing is, I can't find anything on /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf the syntax that related to phpmyadmin.

Don't get me wrong, the server is alright, just wondering how it works.

Solution 1:

The postinst script of the DEB package for phpMyAdmin creates a symbolic link in /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/ (and /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/) which points to /etc/phpmyadmin/lighttpd.conf.

Inside the /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf the contents of /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/ are loaded.