How to download the Official man pages from the for Offline viewing

The man pages are usually get installed with software. So, If you install a software with manpages, the manpages will be automatically installed.

Manual pages in a Web browser

  • By installing man2html

    You can install man2html package to your computer to view the manual pages in your favorite browser:

    sudo apt-get install man2html
  • By installing doc-central

    There is another tool which view manpages in browser, it is called doccentral. You can install it with the following command:

    sudo apt-get install doc-central

Downloading manual pages:

You can download the latest manual pages from here. The size was also included in the page

Manual pages in PDF !:

Yes, you can even get the manual pages in pdf file format. for example, if you want to generate manual page for man the command will be :

man -t man | ps2pdf - man.pdf.

This will generate a manual page, named man.pdf in the current directory of the terminal. replace man with your desired one, such as grep or apt-get etc.

Info pages in browser.

Though it is not asked in the question, I include it as general reference.

You can also have the GNU info pages (which are more elaborate and helpful) in a web browser by installing info2www package. The command is below:

sudo apt-get install info2www

Hope this will help

You can use wget to download the entire website. (if the server allows this) like

$wget \
     --recursive \
     --no-clobber \
     --page-requisites \
     --html-extension \
     --convert-links \
     --restrict-file-names=windows \
     --domains \
     --no-parent \

Here is more details [wget manpage]


I found a solution here WebHTTrack, installed through Synaptic manager.

By which i was able to get the Man Pages as it is from the website .

enter image description here

though it went for more than 200 MB's , but got the job done.