iOS App Preview videos - are all 3 iPhone resolutions required

I've just completed an App Preview video for my forthcoming universal iOS app. I did it by capturing an iPhone 6 using QuickTime then editing in iMovie.

If I only submit my iPhone 6 App Preview video (750x1334), will iPhone 5/5s and 6 Plus users be able to see the video on the App Store?

Or do I have to create and upload separate iPhone 5/5s & iPhone 6 Plus videos?


Solution 1:

In the end I only uploaded 3 videos - iPhone 5 resolution, iPhone 6 resolution and iPad resolution. When I visited the app on the App Store on an iPhone 6 PLUS - the iPhone 6 video was shown.

So it looks like larger iPhones will fallback to smaller videos if the larger preview video is not present. Presumably the iPhone 6 will fallback to the iPhone 5 video as well.

Solution 2:

An App Preview is an optional short video demonstrating your app. Your app may have one App Preview per device. The specifications for App Previews are given in App Preview Properties.
