Ubuntu took away permissions from my Data partition

Solution 1:

If you wanted to mount ntfs partition and don't mind to use terminal, use the following method. This give you execution permission.

Mount the ntfs partition from terminal

  • Open a terminal and type

    udisks --mount /dev/sda2 --mount-options umask=022  

    It will mount the partition with execution permission. Remember, to replace the sda2 with your system partition number. You can check which partition you want to mount by executing this command sudo blkid.

Automatically mount ntfs partition at startup

If you want to mount the partition at startup with /etc/fstab add these options

  • Change the umask in /etc/fstab to 022. And add uid=1000 and gid=1000, assuming that your uid and gid values are 1000. The options will be now

    UUID=25D7D681409A96B7 /media/Data  ntfs-3g defauts,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=022  0  0  

    Replace the values according to your partition UUID and suitable mount points.

Please note that, If you mounted your file system during boot time with /etc/fstab , you will not be able to unmount the drive without being root. If this is not your liking, you can use the below method which mounts at login

Automatically mount ntfs partition on login

  • Open Startup Applications by typing "Startup Applications" in the dash. Click on the corresponding icon to open it.
  • Then click on the "Add" button, type a name for the Action and in the command box, type the above command
  • Logout and Login again, to see your ntfs partitions mounted with execution permission.

enter image description here

Hope this will answer your question

  • You can check more about umask on this documentation