How do I dynamically change the content in an iframe using jquery?

Solution 1:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
        var locations = ["", ""];
        var len = locations.length;
        var iframe = $('#frame');
        var i = 0;
        setInterval(function () {
            iframe.attr('src', locations[++i % len]);
        }, 30000);
    <iframe id="frame"></iframe>

Solution 2:

If you just want to change where the iframe points to and not the actual content inside the iframe, you would just need to change the src attribute.

 $("#myiframe").attr("src", "newwebpage.html");

Solution 3:

var handle = setInterval(changeIframe, 30000);
var sites = ["", ""];
var index = 0;

function changeIframe() {
  $('#frame')[0].src = sites[index++];
  index = index >= sites.length ? 0 : index;