Windows Task Scheduler on File change

I am trying to synchronise my files between a Win7 Starter laptop and WinXP workstation. As Win7 Starter has limited sync support, I installed SyncToy 2.1 and it works fine. However, it requires my manually syncing the files. The help system suggests using Task Scheduler. The options of launching a task at logon/start up or every 10 min are not suitable or flexible enough. I looked at advanced trigger options and they require knowledge of Event IDs that I could not find decent info on. Hence,

in Task Scheduler, is it possible to set a trigger equivalent to 'file changed' for a specific file?

'FolderWatcher' claims to do just what you want:

"Execute unlimited number of actions per folder event"

Price is a bit hefty for a wrapper around 'System.IO.FileSystemWatcher'. There are similar tools like 'WatchDirectory' available which claim the same.

I have used VisualCron for syncing files when they are created. You can set VisualCron to watch a specific folder with a Trigger and then do whatever you want with the file when it has been written completely. You can copy, FTP it or use the name and insert into database.